Wow, what a wonderful week it has been stitching with you! I've been loving the feel of the fabrics, the heat of my iron, and the sound of my sewing machine's motor running. Thank you for participating in our first sew along at SDQ and celebrating our first birthday with us! I'd love to hear your thoughts about this SAL. In today's email, there is a link to a 2 minute survey and it would mean so much to us if you fill it out. The zoom session from yesterday is in today's email.
If you missed the previous days, you can find them here.
Our grand prize winner is Ashley!!! She is getting her Favorite Flavors quilt quilted in an edge to edge design by Orchid Owl Quilts and she has chosen Many Moons as her Snapdragon quilt pattern! I can't wait to see what design she chooses and her quilt top quilted.

Yesterday I gave my mom one of my Favorite Flavors quilts. I quilted her name into the candy stripe part of the lollipop. I haven't given her a quilt for a long time so she was thrilled.

Here's my finished Favorite Flavors quilt! I am loving how my white on white scraps filled the background space and the wide border in that fruit filled print.

Today is our wrap up day for finishing up our quilt tops. I'm going to cut out some batting and backing and start quilting. Please continue to tag us @snapragonquilting and use the hastag #favoriteflavorsquiltsal so we can all see your Favorite Flavors quilt!
Let's do this again sometime soon! Thank you for participating! Happy Quilting!
