One of my favorite tricks that speeds up the piecing process is chain piecing. I debated about including it in the quilting basics vs a quilting tip but decided to include it here because it truly changes quilting. It's as essential as the assembly line is to car manufacturing.

The technique is actually pretty simple. After cutting out all the pieces for a block or quilt top, then this technique steps in. Start at the top left corner of the block or quilt top and take the first two pieces and stitch them together. Then without lifting the presser foot to remove those pieces, take the next two pieces and stitch them. Then repeat on and on till all the remaining pieces are stitched. At this point, it will look a lot like this party banner.
Then take this chain to the iron and press all the seams in order. Cut the thread holding the chained pieces one at a time as the seams are pressed and re-stack them in order. The final step is to take the pressed stack back back to the sewing machine to stitch the next seams in chain fashion all over again. This keeps pieces in order and saves time!
If you missed Part 2 then click here. It's all about rotary cutting!
If you're ready for Part 4 (the quilting part of quilting!!!), here it is!