The weather is starting to cool and fall is here! Today as I decked out my house in witches, pumpkins, and fall quilts, my 14 year old son commented on how much I love Halloween. Then he said, “I don’t get it though because you hate being scared.” He’s right that I don’t like scary movies because they give me nightmares.

When I saw this Halloween panel in one of my local quilt shops a few years back, I had to take it home, add some blocks to it, and cover it in bat patterned quilting. The characters on the panel reminded me of what I love about Halloween. It’s a holiday about pretend and imagination. If we let it, it can remind us that as adults still need play in our lives. The imagination, creation, and fun of costumes always gets me excited about Halloween. Kids’ costumes are such fun projects. Then seeing them all dressed up and smiling sure makes me grin.
Halloween to me is also a time of warm food and friends. My neighbors and I take turns each year hosting a garage party. We all bring homemade rolls, cornbreads, and crockpots of delicious soups. Of course there are lots of yummy treats too. We visit and eat and pass out buckets of candy. I’m ready for covid to be over (aren’t we all). I will miss this gathering this year.