Fenced In Quilt Pattern
Charming flowers are growing in the garden!
- Finished Quilt is 48" x 60"
- This whimsical quilt combines pieced rail fence blocks with raw edge appliqué flowers.
- Pattern clarification: For the raw edge applique, use a light weight fusible web not a fusible interfacing as stated in the original print of the pattern. Read about the difference here.
- Paper templates are included. If preferred, the circles can be cut with the circle savvy ruler instead.
- The color option uses shades of soft pink, raspberry, mulberry, and deep olive green. It also flips the gradients from the original version so that the flower centers are dark and the rail fence centers are light.
This pattern is a physical pattern that will be sent to you by mail. A coloring page for planning your fabrics and color layout is available on the Snapdragon blog.